CGI Question

by BenLRead(at)

 Date:  Tue, 16 Jan 2001 18:43:42 EST
 To:  hwg-servers(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm sorry if you've already received my query about this and replyed, but I 
subsribed to the list after putting my question in so I fear I might have 
missed a responce!

I've recently bought a CGI book and am trying to teach myself.  They
recommended I download the Apache webserver from
and a perl interpreter from, which I've done.

I then wrote the following Perl program in a text editor:


use CGI;

$query = new CGI;

print $query->header;

print "<head><title>A test</title></head>\n";
print "The test was successful.";

I saved it as and placed it in the cgi-bin directory of my web server.

The book then tells me in order to request the file with my Web browser
(which is Internet Explorer 5) I am to use the following URL:

I then get a page come up saying 'file not found', so then I tried the same
URL but using instead and it comes up with 'server error'.

I guess that my server is not set up for running cgi programs, could you
please tell me how I do this?  I'm trying to run it on a PC with Windows 98
operating system.  Please help!

Thanks very much in advance,

Ben Read.

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