Re: URL "names" in redirection.

by Marius Zydyk <pod(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 20 Dec 1999 10:31:54 -0700
 To:  hwg-servers(at)
 In-Reply-To:  newglobal
  todo: View Thread, Original
If you're runnung a new version of apache, you can use the
Proxy rule to do this. You'll have to enable mod_proxy. These
look just like regular rewrite rules, so on the first server you
might do:

/(.*)$1 [P]

Otherwise, the first server will have to do an http redirect
and that will change the url.

At 09:24 AM 12/20/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I want to redirect a domain from machine2 to machine1 and retain the
>server name as is on the source machine. I want to do this in order to
>"move" the domain without the customer experiencing any downtime
>in the transaction (new IP's resolving..etc).
> and are identical sites (for the most
> is on machine2
>and is on machine1
>Is there a way to redirect to 
>and still retain "" in the browser's url field?
>I tried the servername directive in the server config file on the target
>machine and htaccess. Both methods redirect fine except for the
>"name" dilemma.
>Thanks in advance for any input,

  Marius Zydyk -- pod(at) --

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