INFO: HWG-Servers Admin FAQ (12-August-2000)

by John Erjavec V <jev(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 12 Aug 2000 14:06:18 -0500
 To:  HWG Servers <hwg-servers(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Welcome to HWG-servers

*** We're looking for a few good List Guides!  If you have the
*** desire to assist other members and be a part of the List Guide
*** Team, please see section 6 for details on how you can sign up.

Those of you who have been on this list a long time, you might want
to read through this stuff anyway.

This document is to reacquaint members to HWG information and
introduce the List Guides to those unfamiliar with who we are and what
we do. :)

Pease make sure you have read the Mailing List Policy before your next
post!  It can be found at: .

     1.  Mailing List Tips of the Week
     2.  General List Guide Information
     3.  How do I subscribe and unsubscribe?
     4.  What mailing lists are available?
     5.  How do I send a message to the list?
     6.  Have time to spare and want to volunteer?
     7.  Handy URL's?

1.  Mailing List Tips of the Week

I know that this list is pretty well behaved as a general rule, but we have 
been having numerous problems on other list with flaming.  Flaming will be 
treated like an Actionable Rule violation for the time being, so it would 
be a good idea to stop and think about what you are about to send before 
hitting the "Send" button.  In fact, it might not be a bad time to
go back to the Actionable Rules page 
and take a look around, refreshing yourself with all the rules.  As I said 
before, this list is generally well behaved, and we can keep it that way if 
we all take the time to review before sending.

Thanks for your cooperation on this matter.

2.  General List Guide Information

The Guides follow the Netiquette as standard procedure in reviewing
posts to the lists, so before you submit your message be sure you have
reviewed the correct guidelines.  The Mailing List Policy can
be found at: .

The List Guides for hwg-servers are:
Rich Bowen <rbowen(at)>
John Erjavec V <lgs(at)>

If you have a problem with what someone else has posted to the list,
then you may freely respond to them in private email or notify the
List Guides for the list.  In this case it would be:  lg-servers(at)
Do NOT respond on the list!  That just makes the matter worse.

If you have a problem with an action taken by a List Guide you may
address that with the List Guide Manager at lg-manager(at) .

3.  How do I subscribe and unsubscribe?

To subscribe to hwg-servers, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo(at)":

	subscribe hwg-servers

This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to
the hwg-servers list.

If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local
redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:

	subscribe hwg-servers other-address(at)your_site.your_net

To subscribe to hwg-servers-digest, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo(at)":

	subscribe hwg-servers-digest

This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to
the hwg-servers-digest list.

If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local
redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:

	subscribe hwg-servers-digest other-address(at)your_site.your_net

To unsubscribe from hwg-servers, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo(at)":

	unsubscribe hwg-servers

This will unsubscribe the account from which you send the message.
If you are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send
a command of the following form instead:

	unsubscribe hwg-servers other-address(at)your_site.your_net

To unsubscribe from hwg-servers-digest, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo(at)":

	unsubscribe hwg-servers-digest

This will unsubscribe the account from which you send the message.
If you are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send
a command of the following form instead:

	unsubscribe hwg-servers-digest other-address(at)your_site.your_net

If you have a subscription or administrative problem with the list,
send email to:  owner-hwg-servers(at) .  If that still causes you
problems, send mail to: lo-manager(at) .  If you have problems with
the mailing list that cannot be resolved by contacting one of the above
people, send email to:  listmanager(at) in order to resolve the

4.  HWG Guild Mailing Lists Available

There are many mailing lists available from the HWG.  A complete and up to
date list of these can be found at .

5.  How do I send a message to the list?

Each list has a different feel and different general community rules.
Please spend some time listening in ("lurking") before post in order to
get a feel for the way in which conversations take place.  You may post
to the list by sending your message to: hwg-servers(at) .

6.  Feel Like Volunteering?

The List Guide Program is always looking for volunteers.  If you would
like to serve in this capacity, have been a member of the HTML Writer's
Guild for at least 3 months, and would like additional information,
please contact the List Guide Manager at lg-manager(at) for further
details and to offer your services.  Thanks!

7.  Handy URL's

Mailing List Policy -
HWG Archives -
HWG Resources -
Servers resources -

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

John Erjavec V
List Guide, hwg-servers

HWG: hwg-servers mailing list archives, maintained by Webmasters @ IWA