Secure Email - How To Do It

by "Chris Montgomery" <monty(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 1 Oct 1999 22:26:47 -0500
 To:  <hwg-software(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I'm designing a web site for a psychologist that wants to receive secure
email.  She wants to have email entered in a secure form (protected by
SSL) on her web site to be sent encrypted to her email account. As I
understand it, this would mean that messages between her web site
server and her ISP then to her desktop machine need to be encrypted.

Is PGP the best way to do this?  If so, are there any resources to
describe how this process works?  In particular, I'm looking for info on
what software needs to be installed on the web server and at the
site.  Also, how does she get a secure (encrypted) reply back to her
client who entered the email originally on her site?

Thanks in advance for helping clear this up.

Chris Montgomery
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