Re: "vi" (was Re: HTML coding and UNIX)

by "Joshua Graham" <jagraham(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 27 May 1999 08:27:49 +1000
 To:  <hwg-software(at)>
 References:  umich
  todo: View Thread, Original
Definately 'vee-eye', the acronym for "visual interface", meaning the
"visual interface to the 'ed' editor".

>From memory, it's even explicitly stated in the In A Nutshell book (although
Mr Driscoll is the authority on what books we should be reading, so maybe
he'll have the correct reference <g>).

If you pronouce it 'veye', you remind me of the rabbi who was asked:

"Rabbi, why do rabbis always answer a question with a question?"
"Veye do you ask?"


----- Original Message -----
From: Bigtime Buck <ssuter(at)>

one question: my friend and i are having a lively debate, do you pronounce
vi as "veye" (to rhyme with eye) or as an acronym, V. I. ? i've heard both
pronunciations bandied about, so now i'm curious!

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