Re: Keeping Frontpage from messing with my Code (RESEND)

by "Joshua Graham" <jagraham(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:57:20 +1000
 To:  <hwg-software(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Anybody know how to keep FP from messing with my HTML & JavaScript? I know
>that there are certain tags I can put the Code between and then FP will
>ignore it but what these codes are, I'm not sure of.


Only method I know of is: Don't use FP after prototyping stage :)

(BTW: I gave Dreamweaver a spin, and guys, it's a bit sad on the adding of
events, especially when it plonks all my code in JavaScript "eval"
statements - blerk! Kiss the DOM goodbye on some browsers when you do that.
Sometimes the elements it chooses to place some events is rather quite
silly. Nevertheless, it's not too foul, but I think I'll be sticking to
VisualJavaNotepad3000++ for a while.)

Also, Microsoft assure us that FP 2000 will *not* "beautify" code or
spontaneously add or delete HTML without explicit user directives. This will
also help solve our non-wellformedness issues with the product.


Joshua Graham
Graham Information Science Pty Ltd

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