Re: PHP? or Perl?

by "Robert Kostko" <robert(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 15 May 2002 23:27:20 +0200
 To:  "Insurance Squared" <gcooke(at)>,
 References:  orc
  todo: View Thread, Original
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> I'm considering creating an online database application for a niche
> industry, and would like your thoughts on whether I should have the coding
> done in PHP or Perl.  I'm about 50-50 on both, and don't see any clearcut
> reasons to go with one over the other.
> Primary considerations:
> -security; the data will be confidential.
> - maintainability; for myself
> - maintainability for others (I'm planning on releasing the app under the
> GPL).
> - portability across platforms
> The application would be small to medium sized in scope.
> Is there a reason I should go with one over the other?  Or is this just a
> matter for personal preference?

PHP wiz MySQL ofcoz


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