Re: help me please! (its off the topic but i didn't know where else to

by "Comharsa" <comharsa(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 24 Jan 2000 00:52:52 -0000
 To:  <hwg-software(at)>
 References:  umn
  todo: View Thread, Original

From: "Brian Thorson"
> I think a better question would be:  Who is looking at the site?  If you
> don't care who is looking at it or what they think or don't respect them
> having things set to they way they prefer, then why build the site in the
> first place?
> Hopefully flame wars won't erupt now!

Certainly not <g>! I accept that what you (and Ken and Fuzzy) say applies
when you are building sites for someone else, particularly if they want them
viewed by the maximum amount of people. ATM you have to be aware of what
people are using and how they are going to view it and design accordingly.

However, if you are a good designer (not claiming to be one myself BTW) then
your work should be able to be viewed as you intended it. Yes it may not
appeal to everyone, but thats life - we're all different. The reason for
building the site is as a personal statement, the same reason people write
books or paint pictures. There don't seem to be any other areas where
creative work can be changed in the way that browsers do.

Regarding browsers, perhaps the Y2K problem affecting older NS browsers
might at least bring us up to version 4 as a baseline. Unless an effort is
made to bring browsers into line then things are only going to get worse.
It's bad enough having to produce workarounds for versions 3 to 5. What will
happen when the gap is something like versions 4 to 8? Or some browsers only
able to use HTML 3.2 while others are using HTML 7.0?

Anyway, I don't imagine this the right newsgroup for a discussion like this
so I'll stop there.


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