Re: Switching to Windows NT

by Kayla Block <kblock(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 04 Aug 1998 10:41:21 -0700
 To:  hwg-software(at)
 References:  idt
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 07:28 AM 8/4/98 +0200, Robin S. Socha wrote:
>* bzabor19  <bzabor19(at)> writes:
>That depends on what you are trying to achieve with that machine. If
>you're using it to write letters and do a little maths (aka MS Office),
>switching is positively silly because you don't use a self-proclaimed
>server OS for that. Or do you? If you're thinking of using the machine
>as a server, you should be aware of the fact that NT's technology is
>obsolete (ie free U*ices will provide a much higher performance and
>stability) and the security risks are so high that you might as well
>put an anon-ftp server on the net.

Urm...I use NT as a workstation, not as a server. The problem I had under
95 was that I would frequently run out of resources if I had open all of
the apps that I require....this was with 128MB of ram on my machine!!!
Under NT, I never have any problems with running out of resources and can
have open any and all apps that I need at any given time to effectively do
what I need to do. NT is more than just a server os. OTOH, I would agree
that if 95 is working fine for someone, there isn't much reason to switch.

Kayla Block                                     650.526.6103
Engineer                                kblock(at)

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