Re: Dreamweaver question

by Candi <candi(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 09 Jun 1998 00:52:24 -0700
 To:  hwg-software(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Well, I answered my own question.  I realized it was not a 'behavior'
thing, it was a timeline thing.  I set the timeline up with a start point,
a middle change point and final point, and then edited the image properties
at each point to be the image I want displayed  (which in this case it
starts out as a full opacity image and at each step it gets more
transparent so that some text can be 'slid' in over and visible on top of
it).  I really must say, this program is really great!!  Believe me, I know
absolutely nothing about DHTML, and I am accomplishing some neat stuff in
here.  I spent a total of 15 minutes on the macromedia site doing a
tutorial.....from there it started to make some sense.
Thanks, and if anyone has any nifty tricks...send 'em my way!!  I don't
know how long it will take me to get the money to buy this program so I am
trying to squeeze in as much fun stuff as I can in 28 days and counting......

At 11:48 PM 6/8/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I downloaded a trial version of Dreamweaver and am playing around with it.
>By the way, WOW....great program!  I am wondering if anyone knows how I can
>accomplish this effect. (keep in mind, I know nothing about the
>technicalities of DHTML and I have only been working with Dreamweaver for 2
>I have an image that I want to change on load, but I want it to make 2
>changes and not just one.  I already have the first change set up, but how
>do I select the behaviour of the swap image to get it to change to yet
>another image?  I cant seem to select the properties of the swap image.
>Can anyone help me out?
>Candi McCann
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