RE: WYSIWYG . . . <update>

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 22 Mar 1999 23:32:00 -0500
 To:  hwg-software(at)
 References:  ks
  todo: View Thread, Original
Well, so far two responses.

1) Proved their original message was smoke and mirrors.

"I use a combo of
Emacs and HoTMetaL Pro 5 with occas use of Homesite to develop my html.
Personally, I prefer HoTMetaL for various reasons, but in some ways
Dreamweaver (which I also use sometimes) works better."

Uuuum, sorry. That isn't a WYSIWYG editor writing valid HTML Mam.

2) Provided 14 errors in one file (then I stopped counting). BTW - if you
are interested it was Dreamweaver.

Any canned editors out there that write valid HTML? . . . NONE so far.

Standing by,

At 07:22 PM 3/22/99 -0500, Captain F.M. O'Lary wrote:
>If this is true, and I'm not saying it isn't (no matter how unlikely) I
>**************** LOVE ******************
>to see some UNMODIFIED pages posted to the web so that I can satisfy myself
>(via validation) that someone has finally gotten their act together.
>If ****ANYONE **** would be so kind as to post (whether privately or
>publicly) some URL's I would greatly appreciate it!
>At 10:31 AM 3/23/99 +1100, Peter Williams wrote:
>>Dreamweaver is good because it is a wysiwyg tool and
>>it generates standards compliant code. It also doesn't
>>mess up existing code when you use it to open existing
>>files. And it is extensible and can take advantage of
>>external objects, etc.
>>Peter Williams - LAN Support/Webmaster
>Captain F.M. O'Lary
>(yes, one of the now infamous: "O'Lary Boys")
>Member of the HTML Writers Guild and 
>International Webmasters Association

Captain F.M. O'Lary
(yes, one of the now infamous: "O'Lary Boys")
Member of the HTML Writers Guild and 
International Webmasters Association

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