Re: Allaire Home Site 4.0 Validator
by =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?= Bergeron <berlar(at)>
Date: |
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 00:24:13 -0500 |
To: |
Wayne Fisher <waynef(at)> |
Cc: |
hwg-software(at) |
In-Reply-To: |
cyberenet |
todo: View
At 10:40 PM 10/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I recently upgraded my Home Site 3.01 to Home Site 4.0. I love the new
>product, but did notice something peculiar. The HTML validator provided
>with version 4.0 is claiming I have coding errors in the pages, yet I know
>for a fact that there are NO coding errors.... the validator claims that it
>cannot find the </BODY> and=20
tags in my document, and yet they are
>there, plain as day.... the validator does this after it complains that I
>don't have optional closing </P> tags in some cases.... any one have any
>ideas? Any one using the new version 4.0 and have any comments about the
>validator? The W3C validator says everything is fine on my pages.... and,
>frankly, I'm stumped.....
The new validator in HomeSite 4.0 is very buggy. You better go to settings
and set HomeSite 4.0 to keep using the CSE3310's HTML Validator that came
bundled with HomeSite 3.0 instead which is a much better alternative.
There is a newer version of the config file available for download at =20
I commend you for using the W3C's validation services though as it is one
of the very few HTML validators worthy of the name. It actually checks your
document against the DTD of the HTML version from your DOCTYPE
declaration... if it finds one. Both HS 4.0's internal "validator" and
CSE3310's are more HTML syntax checkers than anything else. CSE3310's does
a very decent job of it when set up properly though.
The new HomeSite rocks doesn't it? The best just got better...
>- Wayne
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