Re: HTML Editors

by Elias Thienpont <elias(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 16 May 2001 16:46:59 -0600
 To:  hwg-software(at)
 In-Reply-To:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original
As a matter of fact, I am using GoLive right at the moment.
I hear those who like coding by hand, but I find this much more productive.
It will also help me maintain the whole web side. If I move a jpg from one 
folder to another, it makes all of the corrections automatically. If I 
rearrange a file structure, all of the links remain intact. You can not do 
this with notepad, even if you stand on your head and wiggle your ears!

Yes, it does take up some space on the monitor, and this is why I have my 
monitor set to 1024 px, it gives me more room to see my work.  It has an 
automatic thing in the corner of the work frame that will automatically set 
the work window to 780 px, ideal for most work! I usually hide all of those 
floating palates, and just call them up when I want to use them. The 
Inspector is ALT+1, the Tools are ALT+2 and the Colors are Alt+3.

Anyway.... I'm sold on this one and like it very much.

At 01:26 PM 5/16/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Hey Y'all
>SO here's my story. I am in the market for a new HTML writing program. 
>Money's not really an object for my company. I've hear that GoLive and 
>Dreamweaver are amazing. I don't suppose any of you might be able to tell 
>me about each of them (benefits, disadvantages, features, pros, cons...). 
>Also if there are any other programs that I should know about please let 
>me know!
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Br. Elias Thienpont OSB

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