by AndieDunne(at)aol.com

 Date:  Sat, 21 Feb 1998 02:59:27 EST
 To:  hwg-software(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Personally, I would prefer a WYSIWYG editor that lets me switch between the
layout and the HTML editor.  Since I'm still a beginner and I'm more visually
oriented (that, and HTML coding makes my skin crawl, since I'm still a
beginner!), I'm finding it much easier to put the pages together using pull-
down menus and such, then going to the HTML coding and fine-tuning.

However, since I'm trying more advanced things, I'm using the HTML before,
looking at the results, then going back to HTML for repairs.  For example, I'm
learning how to do tables so I can get images and text to line up like I want
(or closer to what I want, anyway).  I'm doing this because I want to get a
feel for how these things are done, and I may not have my current editor
forever and ever (AOLPress 2.0).  If I have to switch, I'll have some degree
of understanding.

That, and reference books help, too...


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