Re: Better than Dreamweaver

by Moe Rubenzahl <moe(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 11 Jan 2001 13:27:05 -0800
 To:  MEovino(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
>If DW can write code that
>validates, then SIGN ME UP!

It can. But you have to use it wisely. Which means treading very 
lightly on the fancy features.

Most of our pages are HTML text, graphics, links, tables. DW can do 
these and its HTML is mostly tidy.


We often follow with hand tweaking. Annoying that one needs to do 
that, but there it is. You might ask -- then, why bother with DW (or 
GoLive)? Answer: Creativity and productivity. I can hammer out a page 
way-faster using DW and because I can see it as I go, I can adjust 
appearance factors as I go.

>PS - I don't write valid code either, and I write it by hand.  But I could

And that's the point. How valid? We test our pages on Microsoft 
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator versions 3 or 4, up through 
6, Mac, Windows, and some Unix. They work.

We test, test, test and when we find a construct that does not work, 
we debug. As we go, we learn what works inside DW and what doesn't. 
With experience, we need to test less because we have learned what is 

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