CSS snag with NN (another one!)

by "Roger Stenning" <roger(at)isgwds.enterprise-plc.com>

 Date:  Sat, 11 Nov 2000 20:30:44 -0000
 To:  <hwg-style(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I've an interesting snag. I can;t get a table to be transparent under
NN4.72; the pages renders just as required under IE, though.

I /believe/ I've got the embedded style sheet right, but NN just won't play
(big heaving surprise).

The pages are at http://www.the-ixg.co.uk/outwards/index.html, and I'd
appreciate someone having a look, to tell me what, if anything, there is to
get it working under both IE and NN, while retaining validation.

I'm on the digest of this list, so off-list (as well as on-list) replies
would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Roger Stenning
Webmaster, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
(PGP public key available on request)
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