RE: imbedded or external

by anottingham(at) (Amy Nottingham)

 Date:  Mon, 11 Feb 2002 08:45:36 -0600
 To:  <gmitchell(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  tmgeinc
  todo: View Thread, Original

If you would like to use the #FFFFFF type designation but are worried about
cold fusion barfing, use ##FFFFFF.  The first # serves as an escape, and CF
should not view it as an opening of a variable.

If you're not worried about it, just ignore this message :)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-style(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-style(at)]On Behalf
Of Geoff Mitchell
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 12:43 PM
To: hwg-style(at)
Subject: RE: imbedded or external

Noticed that you (Andrew) use rgb attibute for color designation.  I have
(for no particular reason) used color number or color name in my embedded
style or external CSS callouts.  I do quite a bit of Cold Fusion development
and I have noticed particularly with Cold Fusion tags that the "#" in the
color number designation e.g. color : #FFFFFF;  sometimes causes CF to barf
because it misinterprets the "#" in the rendering as an unrecognized CF
variable.  I typically then leave the "#" off and generally get compliance
with NN and IE even though it isn't spec and my validator always barks about
it.  Is there an advantage to using rgb(x,x,x) over color number/name with
respect to NN/IE compatibility or any other reason?

Thanks, Geoff

example from Andrew's CSS:
a:hover, a:active {
	background-color: rgb(0,0,255);
	color:            rgb(255,255,255);

>Hmmmm, anyone have a good example of a "standard" external CSS that they
>use for Netscape and one for MSIE? - that would make the javascript sniffer
>more appealing to me.

That is a skeleton CSS that is pretty much Netscape proof. Copy and reuse
it as you need to (but don't link directly to that file - stuff in /temp/
is liable to be deleted).




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