Re: Sill question perhaps but...

by "oecih" <oecih(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 7 May 2003 02:38:19 +0700
 To:  <hwg-style(at)>
 References:  3me
  todo: View Thread, Original
From: "Ralph M Bohm" <truckman(at)>
> What is a "div" tag in HTML?
> What does it do?
> Does it require a close "/div" as well?

div is a grouping element, or some sort of 'container' which can be
used to group several element inside it. also, in conjunction with the
id & class attributes-- can be used to give a structure to an html
document, and of course to easely control its appeareance by using

and yes, it requires both start & end tag.


ps. somehow i dont know what 'div' stands for --i'm not a native
english sepaker. could it be divider? or division?

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