Re: Printing Problem w/ NN

by "Eric A. Meyer" <eam3(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 28 Sep 1999 16:51:15 -0400
 To:  hwg-style(at)
 In-Reply-To:  mail
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 15:01 -0400 09/28/1999, Brian Markham wrote:
>Hello all.
>I recently posted this question to the techniques list, but after receiving
>only one response that told me that 'he didn't know' (very helpful), i
>decided to post my question here, as I believe that this problem may be CSS
> >I'm having a problem with a page's printing in Netscape.
> >
> >When printed with IE, it's fine, but when I try to print with Netscape,
>each >word prints itself on a separate line. I have no idea why it would do
>this, but >if anyone does, please share.

   From an FAQ I'm slowly assembling:

<DT>My styles look great in a Web browser, but when I print out the page, I
get horribly mangled output (one line of text per page, etc.)!</DT>
<DD>If you're printing in Navigator 4.x, check to see if your styles use
the <CODE>line-height</CODE> property.  If <CODE>line-height</CODE> is set
using points, the pages get kafluffled.  If, however,
<CODE>line-height</CODE> is set to anything else (ems, pixels, inches,
etc.) it should print out okay.</DD>

There may be other circumstance under which this sort of thing happens, but
that's one possibility.  A quick glance at the stylesheet didn't reveal any
'line-height' rules, but I could have missed something.  I did notice some
length values (on 'margin') which had no units.  This could very well
confuse Navigator, since it's wrong.  Please ask the author to run his or
her HTML and CSS through validators, since these can often identify
mistakes that will confuse browsers.  Here's the one I recommend:

Eric A. Meyer  -  eam3(at)  -
 Hypermedia Systems Manager
 Digital Media Services      
 Case Western Reserve University

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