Re: helping html-illiterate content managers

by =?iso-8859-1?B?TGF1cmkgVuRpbg==?= <optima(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 4 Oct 2000 20:47:21 +0300
 To:  "Lady Wistfulee" <nospammerstowistfulee(at)>,
"HWG Techniques Discussion" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  0020017605
  todo: View Thread, Original
Lady Wistfulee,

I work in Ericsson Estonia. Here a company designed our site and updating the
content happens with database solutions. People enter the text into a form, then
it goes into a database and later it's displayed inside the template. It has
some downsides, but for non-HTMLers this solution would be OK. The site also
uses ActiveX controls, to make stuff like bold text, change the font and so on
(it looks pretty much as MS Word).

Another option would be to use Dreamweaver(somebody already mentioned this). It
allows you to "lock" the template area and only allows to add text to the
unlocked areas(unless the function is turned off from the menu). I'm sure I did
a bad job in explaining it. Power users can screw up your code, no matter what
you do!


----- Original Message -----
From: Lady Wistfulee <wistfulee(at)>
To: HWG Techniques Discussion <hwg-techniques(at)>
Sent: 04. oktoober 2000. a. 6:23
Subject: helping html-illiterate content managers

> Hi,
> I know of no other group with such a vast storehouse of knowledge &
> experience & once again I need to call on you.
> While I understand the "comfort" that html-illiterates feel when using a
> WYSIWYG editor like Front Page, I cringe when I see what it does to my
> pretty validated code.  The last barrier at work to allowing us at work to
> use the editor of our choice is that once the site is finished, it gets
> turned over to html-illiterate content managers who must add and delete
> content.
> We are dealing with IE & NN version 4+ sites...I want to use validated HTML
> with CSS1, but am encountering resistance.  Is there a way to make a
> page/site in the editor of one's choice (non-WYSIWYG, but not Notepad), &
> still make it easy for HTML-illiterates (who are not in the process now, nor
> will ever want to try, learning HTML) to add/delete content without either
> freaking them out, or destroying validated code?  & how can I explain this
> so the diehard in the department (with seniority) won't feel attacked?
> I made a validated page today, & then stuck it in FP (as per current
> policy), & it stripped out end tags & non-breaking spaces & other horrendous
> things!  This can't go on!
> awaiting replies impatiently  : )
> Lady Wistfulee

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