embed and doctype

by KGWS <kgws(at)kgwebsolutions.com>

 Date:  Thu, 01 Aug 2002 22:08:26 -0700
 To:  hwg techniques <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello everyone,
Here it is again, the embed tag question(s). Since embed has been dropped
from html w3c standards, we're now supposed to use object - which doesn't
work on older browsers. (Altho embed works just fine, thank you, and is used
by many sites.) I want to embed a small sound file on one page - sounds
simple right?

The whole page validates (4.01 transitional) except of course for the embed
tag I want to use.

What are people's thoughts on using doctypes now? I know there was some
debate (from archives) on whether to use them at all as they sometimes
messed with your pages.

Should I just scrub the doctype at the top of my page and use the embed tag?
I'm not too sure what havoc I'd cause leaving it there when it doesn't fully
validate having the embed tag - anyone have any insight into this?

As always, your thoughts are appreciated.

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