RE: server-side redirect thingy?

by "tim booker" <timbooker(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:40:55 -0000
 To:  "'Peter Benoit'" <pbenoit(at)>,
"'Peter Schonefeld'" <peter.schonefeld(at)>,
"'Manish Sharma'" <msharma(at)>,
"'Hwg-Techniques'" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  network
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hey guys,

I've put together a simple PERL script to achieve the effect I want with PNG

As far as I know, the two major browsers that fully support PNG are Netscape
6, and IE 5 on Macintosh.  (Other browsers will display PNGs, but it gets
messy if you're use alpha transparency!).

Check this out:

The PNG image is green, the GIF is blue.

In the source code, I can simply call the script like this:

<img src="/cgi-bin/image.cgi?/test">

The "/test" section is the path to the image, excluding the file extension.
Now I can create 2 images, test.gif and test.png.  The script detects which
browser you are using, and redirects you to a PNG or a GIF accordingly.

This script obviously needs some refining, but it has the effect that I

Thanks to everyone for their feedback.  The reason I want to get this script
working is so that I can use PNGs or GIFs easily, without chopping up my
page using a scripting language such as PHP, ASP, or even client-side using


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