html emergency--pages appear blank

by "Lady Wistfulee" <wistfulee(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 18 May 2000 03:47:01 -1000
 To:  "HWG Techniques Discussion" <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Something exceedingly strange has happened to my site.  Out of 25 pages, 6
show up blank.  If you right-click anywhere on the page & select "View
Source" the HTML text comes up exactly as I left it (& I was just adding
some links earlier...nothing drastic).
When I went into the site via my FTP client & looked at the pages...somehow
a whole lot of white space was added...but even removing all the white space
or taking a previously backed up copy & pasting its contents in did not
solve the problem.
the URLs in question are:
base URL (that works):

It appears that all of the rest are appearing as they should but I can't
understand why these others don't appear...but the source is there!!!  Most
of these pages are made from basic templates so they have a uniform
appearance, so if one works they all should.

Help please...I need to get this one off my plate & move to the next one so
I can meet its deadline.

much thanks in advance,
Lady Wistfulee

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