
by "tim booker" <timbooker(at)btinternet.com>

 Date:  Mon, 23 Oct 2000 22:11:12 +0100
 To:  <wdf(at)egroups.com>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello all,

I'm wondering about XML...

I'm reasonably experienced with HTML and have used XHTML.  I've recently
been trying to read XML Applications published by Wrox Press.  The book,
with its blathering paragraphs, sparse mark-up examples, and lack of real
world applications, has left me even more confused.

I need something more REAL to persuade me to learn more about XML.

I would appreciate recommendations of books and online resources that will
help me, the busy Web developer, get a handle on the uses of XML.  I already
have a basic knowledge of the syntax, I just need something to actually USE
it for.

Thank you,


>>>>>>>>>>>> http://timbooker.com

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