cgi Help

by "Wieland" <nwieland(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:34:04 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  CRYNT40SRV pmg
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have programmed a cgi script that will add a login and an encrypted
password to a .htaccess file. I know how to get the date from the server and
put it in a file. But I need to know how to get the script to automatically
delete the login and password from the .htaccess file after 10 days. Do I
need to use a crontab or how would I go about doing this?because I don't
know anything about crontabs and would rather not use them.
Also is it possible to add the date to the .htaccess file and have it still


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