RE: prompt for save with CF/ Javascript

by anottingham(at) (Amy Nottingham)

 Date:  Wed, 7 Feb 2001 13:39:06 -0600
 To:  <allred(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  ms
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi John and list,

Thanks for your thoughtful input. I will definitely think about some of your

However, I am still wondering  if there is a way to prompt the user to click
the update/submit button if they shut down the browser, or hit home, etc.
Even if we minimize/ eliminate other possible links within the program as
you suggest and give them only the update and clear buttons, they could
still close/leave the window without realizing they have not pressed the
update button to send their data to the database.  I am looking for
something like the functionality in Windows programs where if you try and
close a window without having saved, you get a warning.  Is this possible
with a browser?

Thanks again,


p.s. I cut out the original threads to this reply because they were long.  I
hope this is good "netiquette".  I have not been on lists long enough to
know for sure...

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