javascript help needed.

by "Tamara Jackson" <tamara.jackson(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 6 Sep 2002 16:24:48 +1000
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

A few questions to help me on my way :)

1) I am making a site that requires random content in some places. It's in
the news section. The image and text thereafter is random, and the arrow
needs to have the corresponding link. I started by just working with the
image and text, to get the script working. Finally it worked, and everything
displayed correctly. But in making the arrows correspond to the image, the
table is no longer obeying the widths specified, and everything is going out
of whack. I'm new to javascript, and don't have a clue why this is

2) Is there a way to control the width of a textbox in netscape,

3) In the menus on this page, is there a way for the rollover image (the one
you rollover to display the menu) to remain while the menu is displayed?
Currently, the image swaps back the second you're off the image and onto the
menu, which leaves gaping holes in the design.

Please note that all content is dummy content, none of the links are real,
and the menus are in the correct places for when the page displays
correctly. Also, I haven't done any Mac display customisation as yet.

Thanks for any suggestions :)
Tamara Jackson

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