Client updates

by "Dale" <dale(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 2 Jan 2001 21:07:09 -0600
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I am redesigning a site for a client, and when I am done he wants to be able
to make changes to the pages with *shudder* Front Page.  He has a propensity
for really garish colors and huge text.  I want to let him be able to update
stuff, but at the same time I don't want him to mess up all the work I've
done, as my company logo and link is going to be on the site!!!

For the home page, I've thought of using some kind of text scroller in the
middle of the page that might pull it's info from a text file.  Then I could
teach him how to edit the text file without touching the rest of the page,
and he could put little "news items" in that way.  I've done this before in
ASP but I don't think his server supports it.  Does anybody know of a way to
do this (javascript, CGI, etc) without ASP?

I would appreciate anybody's input or ideas on this, esp if you have some
similar experience.

His old site is at:

and the one I'm working on is living at:


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