Re: annoying websites

by "Karin Christensen" <karinc(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 8 Jul 2001 15:25:05 -0700
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  thejockeyclub intrex marc
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm not Ray, and I have only been scanning these annoying website posts, but
Marc's website has something that I find not really annoying but reduces my
ability to view a website.  In the publishing world there is (or was) a 4"
rule.  That is that if a sentence is longer than 4" it is hard to read
because the eyes get tired and the reader will lose their place.  I find
that sentences that run clear across the screen to be difficult to read.
That's why I like fixed width tables with short sentences that are broken up
with space between paragraphs.  It is difficult enough to read long passages
of text on a monitor as it is.  Just my 2 centavos.

> I am wondering if you, or anyone else out there with screen reader
> or a Braille display, could look at a basic "vanilla" site I have
> and let me know how it works for you.
> The basic backend code should keep the pages accessible (or inaccessible,
> depending on feedback) while I start concentrating on making the pages
> "pretty".
> The site is named, oddly enough, and yes, it is
> supposed to look generic at this point - the goal is to have it validate
> correctly and to make it accessible and THEN start "fluffing" up the look.
> :-)

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