Re: re Rant

by "Lois Wakeman" <lois(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 9 Oct 2001 09:32:45 +0100
 To:  "HWG techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

I wasn't meaning to suggest incompetence if you have decided what you want
to cater for and gone for that. Knowing your audience is one of the most
important things for any site. But that's no excuse for making anyone else
feel unwelcome - the point in the original post was a designer saying "go
away, I don't want your custom because of your browser".

And I was trying to make the point that there is no *need* to waste a day
making awkward browsers happy - go for the main target and just make sure
you can read the text and make sense of the order of it in the rest. I guess
this is what you are doing anyway?

In your case, since WebTV is an important part of your user base, then
concentrating on that is a sensible decision. The NN is a bonus for you.

Aside: If you have time, could you let me know if you think that the WebTV
for PC is a good enough testing environment? Here in the UK, I don't and
will likely never have WebTV for real; (though this isn't an important
audience now for me, that may change in the future).

For example, I'm developing some new page designs using a two-column table,
and the links in the one at the left don't seem to be in the default tabbing
order in WebTV only - so I don't know if that's a feature of the viewer, or
would happen for real.



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