AAGH! CSS/DHTML and TWO backgrounds!

by "Roger Stenning" <roger(at)isgwds.enterprise-plc.com>

 Date:  Sun, 3 Jun 2001 05:58:57 +0100
 To:  <hwg-style(at)mail.hwg.org>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

Before you ask/tell/yell, I've cross-posted this to both -Techniques
and -Style, just in case - please don't shoot me!

OK, here's the question, and it's a complex one.

In a new site (a personal one, this time), I want to display the word
'DRAFT' in diagonal format (bottom left, top right, 45 degrees angle),
WITHOUT the use of a massive great image, which would take a longer
than normal time to download.

The solution would appear to be either CSS2, or DHTML (or even
shock/horror, both!). However, I don't know, and cannot find out from
the reference material to hand, how to do this. Please note that I
know bugger all DHTML (when it comes to programming, I generally leave
that to others, as it gives me a real nasty headache!) I know it's a
4.01+ thing, but that's about it.

Here, however, it the rub: I already have a repeating watermark image,
using css, running down the right edge of the page, and I don't want
to lose it (I spent enough time doing the damn thing just so, and thus
it's a pride kind of thing!). Thus, I need not one background, but

The next element to the trouble (did I tell you it was complex?) - the
text 'DRAFT' must reconfigure to different screen sizes, without
loosing it's impact, i.e., it must show the complete word, once across
the screen, whatever the screen resolution. It should be a fixed
watermark, by the way.

Cross-browser issues are not a problem, by the way - the site is
designed for IE5+, and it's part of my hobby site, so I know the
audience in question - none of the intended visitors use anything
other than IE5+.

Anyone got any ideas - or, better yet, any CSS and/or DHTML scripts
for this?

Best regards,

Roger Stenning,
Development Team Leader, "Outwards!"
"Outwards!" web site:
Webmaster, The Impossible Scenarios Group
ICQ: 74721632
UK Amateur Radio call sign: G1LIW
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