by "Darrell King" <darrell(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:50:11 -0400
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  hotmail attglobal jeff
  todo: View Thread, Original
XML is a simple document format.  As with XHTML, it produces a standardized
document that your PHP or my Perl can read in reliably and assign to the
data storage application.  Because of the standardization, the document can
be produced at company A in New Zealand, modified by company B in China and
delivered to you in a the same format it was born in...all ready to hit the

I use server-side scripting quite a bit as well...mostly Perl...and I can
see the value of being able to accept data from...or deliver it
too...deifferent sources using on format.  XHTML is simple HTML that meets
that requirement for web pages...:)


----- Original Message -----
From: Rossi Designs <webmaster(at)>

I disagree, XML seems like a workaround for things that are better done as


or if need be


Server side scripting ala PHP and ASP is going to be far more important to
learn than XML because the data needs to be stored someplace, namely in a
DB. Additionally using a server side scripting interface allows you to
output HTML, XML, XHTML, WML or whatever format is necessary. So you can
deliver your content to the newest browser on the market, to mosaic, or to a
new web phone. XML is being pushed by M$ which is a strike against it in my

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