long url names

by "Lady Wistfulee" <wistfulee(at)hawaii.rr.com>

 Date:  Sat, 1 Jan 2000 22:53:10 -1000
 To:  "HWG Techniques Discussion" <hwg-techniques(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I recently created a shortcut on my desktop from  the M$ site that was =
an EXTREMELY long URL...I could not in any way delete it...I kept =
getting an "invalid filename" type error message when I tried to delete =
it, I couldn't rename it either...I finally had to go into DOS & delete =
it that way. (Many of the users we create sites for have no idea of how =
to go into DOS much less how to delete a file once in there).
My query/comment is this: if having such long URLs creates this problem =
(I am running win 98 with all its doodahs as updated as M$ has offered) =
why do web designers/masters/whoever is in charge do this?  You can bet =
I will never create another shortcut from a long URL again...nor will I =
be tempted to add it to my bookmarks either.  Isn't that a =
self-defeating practice to use such long filenames?  Don't we *want* =
people to bookmark our sites & come back? (At least most of the time?)  =
I don't automatically bookmark every URL, sometimes I create the =
shortcut if I don't have time to look at it right now, & don't want to =
automatically add every URL I want to check out to my bookmarks if it =
turns out I don't want to have it there.  I can't be the only one out =
there who does this (am I????), but evidently I am the only one this =
bothers (so far)...until it happens again & again.

Comments &/or answers please?
much alohas from Oahu ...
Lady Wistfulee
--"Tell me and I forget.=20
Show me and I remember.=20
Involve me and I learn."=20

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