Re: Mail form for NT server

by "Michael Gerholdt" <gerholdt(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 21 Mar 2001 08:04:21 -0500
 To:  "Debbie O'Meara" <domeara(at)>,
 References:  debbie
  todo: View Thread, Original

You need to start by knowing a bit about the NT server and what is available

1) If you are able to use the ASP (active server pages) environment, then
use it rather than cgi.
2) Find out what components are available for use on the server. Spefically,
ask them if they have CDONTS installed, or perhaps a 3rd party component
such as JMail or something else similar. If the answer is YES, then they
should also be able to provide you with some sample scripts.

The html page holding the form may look just like the page you are
accustomed to when using Matt's Formmail. The difference will be that <form
action="SomeASPpage.asp" method="post"> you are just calling another web
page and not a cgi/perl script. This is because NT's web server, IIS,
handles the processing of this kind of request itself rather than handing it
off to another process. (which is what makes them 'active server' pages).

The pertinent script will be on that SomeASPpage.asp. It will pick up all
the elements of the form from the previous page with the 'request' object.
Normal procedure is to put them into new variables on the second page as:

strFName = request.form("fname")
where 'fname' is the actual name from the form.
Now strFName is equal to whatever the person wrote into that text input.

Then you use these variables appropriately in the script which I'm certain
you host will provide to you!

You'll be dabbling a bit in VBScript most likely in ASP environment.

If they won't provide sample scripts, they must at least tell you what
component you can use for SMTP. Then you can find sample scripts for that
component (CDONTS, JMail, ASPMail, etc) elsewhere on the web.

Hope this helps a little.


> Hi all--
> I have a site hosted on an NT server and need to find  a cgi script to
> process the form.  I've used Matt's Formmail in the past, but from what
> been able to deduce it's really for UNIX, and my site's host has been no
> help at all.  Can anyone recommend where I can get an NT script that's
> simple enough for a totally clueless individual to configure?

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