Re: Netscape 7 stuff again (Sort of OT)

by "Kehvan M. Zydhek" <kehvan(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 2 Jul 2002 20:40:43 -0700
 To:  <thewolves(at)>
 Cc:  "HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  noteworthydesigns attbi
  todo: View Thread, Original
BTW, ever since switching to cable, when I turn on my computer, I get
prompted to enter a password for Microsoft networking. I just hit enter
without entering anything, and then I get another popup telling me that
no domain server is available to validate my password. Again, I just hit
enter. I hate this because I used to be able to just turn on my
computer, and when I'd return a few minutes later it was up and ready to
go. Now, I have to hit enter twice at about 2 minute intervals before it
comes up. Does anybody know if there's a way to stop these prompts?

Larry Coats



You're getting the prompts because you're now on a LAN, essentially, via the
cable hookup. Aside from gathering lots of information about which WIndows
you're using and making a change here and there to a setting or to (User
Account, Profiles, Policies, other inane locations, depending), I would just
recommend downloading TweakUI (part of the PowerToys pack) for whichever
version you're running, install it, then change the logon settings to
automatically log yourself on.

Good luck,

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