
by "Melanie LaPoint" <lamel(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 4 Dec 2001 08:27:09 -0600
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  apc
  todo: View Thread, Original
I finally got the domain I was wanting, after having waited years. Now..
Where to put it? Last year I hosted a domain for free, and now everyone is
charging. I have a SMALL website, not quite 25MB and traffic is low. Its not
business, though not exactly personal (my doggies!) Anyone have any advice
on where I can look? I mean, having my own domain is nice, but I am not
willing to PAY $20 a month to host something that only gets about 100 hits a
month. And no, I don't have a credit card, so "free" hosting that asks for
one is out of the question.

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