Id verification

by "Andie Maranda" <infomail(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 4 Apr 2002 12:48:52 -0500
 To:  "HWG-techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello again,

This is a second question. This time for a job I am working on at my
full-time job.

As I mentioned, I work for a lock and security company. I am working on a
special project for our electronics department. We design and install secure
keying systems for large universities and hospitals. Keys can not be copied
or replaced without authorization. We are now designing a web-based key
control system which will allow the user to order a new or replacement key
through the site. We are creating a generic site which will be customized
(logo, contact info, etc) for each univeristy or hospital and will be
packaged with the keying system. The hospitals or universities' IT
departments will load this generic site on their servers and link it to
their main sites.

I am using basic CGI scripts for the forms and most forms do not need
verification except for some required fields. This has been done. On two of
the forms, the end-user must enter the ID code of the authorized person to
order the keys. We want that ID number to be verified as a proper and
existing ID number. We cannot use a database along with something like
ColdFusion because we want to create one site that will be used for
different universities or hospitals and we won't know if they have a
ColdFusion server. Same applies for ASP (I only know what ASP is about, I
don't know how to write the code).

I will have to customize the site to a certain extent (building names,
contact names, e-mail addresses) but we don't want to have to write unique
coding for each university/hospital. Can this be done using javascript? Or
by any other method? My supervisor tells me there may be up to 150 ID codes
per property.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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