Re: Fwd: Launch Newsletter -- April 13, 2000

by "Nancy Whittley" <jnwhittley(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 14 Apr 2000 16:41:57 -0400
 To:  "Chuck Evans" <Chucke(at)>,
"'Peter Benoit'" <pbenoit(at)>,
"Kym Jones" <kjones(at)>
 References:  com
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hum.. well, just out of curiosity,  I went to that site CleverContent
and then looked in my cache and the images that it was protecting
were not there.  So I cleaned out my cache and went back viewed
several of the peices of art there, then viewed my cache and they
are still not there.  However I did have several images, that were
just solid black images. It may be there on the screen but it isn't in
the cache.  I couldnt print screen, coudn't right click, couldn't
screen capture, or nothing.. I was pretty impressed by this
program.  It did shut down my browser at one point with blue
screens and stuff, but that could have been my resources getting low.
So maybe for once someon has come out with a good one.


> Ya know, for the *gazillionth* time....every time a graphic loads into
> browser, it also lands/sit/stays in your cache until such time as your
> cache is emptied....I don't care what kind of fancy schmancy methods you
> use to stop the user at the actual's STILL in the
> cache....*anyone* who is THAT desperate to steal a graphic will track it
> down from there.
> Watermark/distort/destroy/tie a bow around the damned's NOT
> to stop theft...BUT, it will irritate the crap out of the thief because
> he/she can't use what they have worked so hard to track down only to find
> that they have wasted their time...

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