classes not cooperating

by "Lady Wistfulee" <wistfulee(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 7 Jan 2000 12:35:50 -1000
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I am *still* working on the site that has been putting this "mostly =
newbie" through her paces.  Now I have attempted to put a row of text =
links at the bottom of my pages (I have done it so far to only 2 pages =
so far as it isn't working in my browser/machine).
I am applying a class to this paragraph...there are no line breaks, just =
basic text links with spaces (&nbsp;) between links, but 3 out of 18 of =
them aren't doing (in my machine) what they are supposed to...They are =
supposed to change color when hovered over...I am using the hover in my =
stylesheet rather than mouseover for the color change, & it works in 15 =
out of 18 in the same paragraph...I can't see any difference between =
those 3 & the other 15, but I may just be too close to it to see what I =
am doing wrong.  It is probably something very obvious.
The URL is
The site is "upgraded browser specific"...IE4+ in particular, & I =
haven't finished the redirect for lower-end/text/non-script using =
browsers yet.

Please help...I am getting VERY tired of this site & just want to get it =
finished & move on to the next project in the queue.

Thanks much for my potential rescue from this,
much alohas from Oahu ...
Lady Wistfulee
--"Tell me and I forget.=20
Show me and I remember.=20
Involve me and I learn."=20

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