Java Scripts

by "The Lion's Cub" <lionscub(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 9 Jan 2000 19:15:26 -0600
 To:  "HWG -- Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Alright first things first, a mistake on my part caused me to set my mail
reader to automatically send out my mail return reciept requested.  I
appologise for the inconvinience.

Ok on to my question.  I use two of the same scripts on several of my pages.
I want to make sure the scripts are identical and I want to protect them in
case I may accedentally alter one while editing other parts of the page.  So
I thought it would be rather simple do declare them as external with the src
element.  However i cannot get IE (I have not checked with Netscape yet) to
write the script.  Is there a specific file extension I need to be using.  I
am using reletive url, to make it easier to work locally then send it to the
server without changes.

I tried looking at some java sites but they seem to only deal with inline

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