Re: Time Tracking Mechanism PHP/MySQL

by "Ryan Fischer" <ryan(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 27 Jul 2002 16:07:22 -0400
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>,
"Anthony L. Gloster,
Jr." <alg2(at)>
 References:  alg2
  todo: View Thread, Original
> Hello all,
>   I have just started toying with PHP/MySQL seriously. My wife and I
> currently training for a triathlon this coming spring. We are looking
for a
> way to track our progress (we are currently recording our swim, bike,
> run times using microsoft excel breaking i down to the
> and hundreths per mile or km).
> I was wondering if anyone knew of any way to track this progress using
> PHP/MySQL so that I could enter the distance and the time in which
> distance was covered, and have this program/script convert the average
> MPH/KMPH and total distance for the day/week/month.
> We would like to set this up on a page on our site so that we can
share our
> progress it with our friends and family.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions/help given.

The answer is "yes," of course you CAN do it, it's just a matter of
doing it, really.  It seems like you know what needs to be done, and
anything you're asking whether or not it CAN be done can be done, so I'm
really curious as to what your question is.

If it's a matter of "how," well, that's really up to you.  There's more
than one way to do anything.  Some people have a "best" way of doing
things for themselves; you just have to figure out what that is.  Me,
I'd store all values based on the smallest unit possible, and the of
course, you'd use PHP to print out whatever you can.  The possibilities
are endless, so asking us how you should go about doing things really
isn't going to help.  Because like I said, it's up to you.  :)


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