RE: WSIWYG Editor Recommendation 4 Client Updates

by "Andre L Crane" <andre(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 23 May 2002 16:50:44 -0400
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  server
  todo: View Thread, Original

I suggest Dreamweaver anyway. For a business expense Dreamweaver is cheap
and tax deductable. With Dreamweaver you have the ability to make pages
un-editable expcept for certain sections of the content that you wish the
client to be able to update.  A very handy tool in my opinion.

But, if it was me, I wouldn't even give them an editor to use. I'd sit with
them and define each bit of content that they wish to have the ability to
update, then I would create admin pages that would allow them to update the
content via a form in  their browser and make those bits of content
dynamically available from the database.  This costs money though and can be
more expensive than dreamweaver, depending entirely on how much content they
wish to update..

I like the other suggestion that you recieved that suggested you use
includes. Very workable solution and easy to train the users on.

If the choice is between Hotmetal and Frontpage only, I'd not use either and
go with the includes.

Another thing to look for is find out who the company considers their best
MS Office user and see if you can get that person to use the WYSIWYG editor.
That person will already have a lot of the basic layout skills that they
will need in order to use the WYSIWYG editor and will make your life much
easier :)

Good luck with your decision. Again, I feel that the best solution is
Dreamweaver templates or dynamic content from a db.

- andre

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-techniques(at)
[mailto:owner-hwg-techniques(at)]On Behalf Of Melanie Gann
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 11:12 AM
To: hwg-techniques(at)
Subject: WSIWYG Editor Recommendation 4 Client Updates

I have a common request from clients. Once I complete a site, they want
a way to be able to do small updates for themselves. Example, update a
calendar of events.

I do eveything in Homesite and am not content unless I see the code
generated. I know that DreamWeaver is the top of the line in Wysiwyg
editors. But it costs too much and has more functions than they really
need. Then there is:

Hot Metal Pro  $129
Microsoft Front Page  $149

Does anyone have a strong recommendation on any these products, or have
other recommendations.


Second Street Web Design

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