ftp client

by "Klaas" <klaas(at)gracegraphics.be>

 Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 09:49:51 +0200
 To:  "hwg tech" <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
 References:  planetveggie
  todo: View Thread, Original

- don't click away yet, I know I said a bad word -

I actually use it quite a lot as I know how to make it work in all browsers.
Actually, the nicest feature on this program is how it uploads files.  It
check the date and size of the files, remote and local.  It compares them,
then uploads things that changed, delete files that no longer exist,...

Question: is there any regular ftp client that can do this?  I think it's a
nice one.  Some sort of synchrnization tool...

I know CuteFTP does the F11 function okay, but it only compares filesizes,
so if you change a table border from eg 1 to 0 after taking a look at the
structure, it won't upload them, as filesize remained the same.

- Kayjey -

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