Re: spreadsheet program to store e-mails

by "Nancy Whittley" <jnwhittley(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 6 Jul 2000 11:29:02 -0400
 To:  "Noteworthy Web Designs" <webmaster(at)>,
"HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  noteworthydesigns
  todo: View Thread, Original
Karen, I am at this moment learning how to set up a database in
MySQL for one of my websites.  I am planning on using PHP, which
I know absolutely nothing about.  But one of the things that the MySQL
told me was to create text files of data and then inserting the txt file
the database.  As far as storing them I would suppose you could
store them in a txt file too.

What it explained to me, (and I am only learning this so if I am wrong I am
someone will let me know) once the tables and columns are created in
MySQL, then you can create a txt file, and for each column you type
in your data info, and seperate each thing with a tab insert.
Like this:
Name             Address              City             State  and so on...
Type name tab over, type address tab over....

Then once you are done you insert it into the data table on the database.

Now I actually set up a table of data in MS Excel (and I could be way off
base, but I will try anything once) and when I was done
I saved it as a txt file to see what it would do and it appeared to put the
tab spaces in where the column lines start and stop. So today I am going to
try to insert that text document to see if it will work.  But I don't see
they can't use Excell to do this with.  That is if she already has Office
If not then MS Works has a spread sheet also.
You can also download Star Office for free and it has a spread sheet program
in it also.

And if there are any MySQL gurus out there, that use PHP with their
database, I would love to hear from you, because I need guidance on the
best books to get, I have looked at several and they all look good.
Some good old sage advice is nice too.  Learning a new launguage is
one thing but two at once is a real pickle.


> I have a customer who will have the e-mails from a submission form
> directed into a database on the server, from which she can download
> e-mail address without having to type them out. She's trying to decide
> which spreadsheet program to purchase to store this information. Any
> suggestions? She will be offering online courses in the future, and the
> company that's doing that suggests Sequal SQL. Others have told her
> Oracle. I've not boned up on any of these programs yet, so I could use
> some advice to pass on to her.

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