Re: Screenreaders for the blind

by "Octavian Rasnita" <orasnita(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 8 May 2003 07:57:29 +0300
 To:  "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>,
 References:  MIKETAYLOR01
  todo: View Thread, Original
This depends on how you set your screen reader.
You can set to hear only some punctuation, most punctuation, all
punctuation, etc.

I use a screen reader because I am blind.

Teddy's Center:
Email: orasnita(at)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>
To: <hwg-techniques(at)>
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 5:52 AM
Subject: Screenreaders for the blind

Interesting MP3 from a person who uses a screenreader.  He narrates as he
loads an example website using his screenreader program.  Really interesting
to "hear" a website load:

It's funny that if you use a lot of contractions in your text, the
screenreader actually reads it as "apostrophe"


Your text reads, "I can't stand it!"

But the screenreader interprets it as:

"I can apostrophe t stand it!"

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