Re: Search box

by "rudy" <r937(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 17 Nov 2001 10:51:08 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>,
"tamara" <tamara(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I have a search form from Atomz that I'm trying to incorporate into a page
>This page is still in the re-design stage, but that box at the top is
>driving me nuts. Currently, it's perfect in Opera 5.12, but I can't seem
> to get it set correctly for IE or NN.

hi tamara

looks pretty good in win ie5

anyhow, here's your code:

    <!-- search table -->
     <form method="get" action="">
      <td class="maroon" colspan="5">
          <div align="right">
             <input size="10" maxlength="35" name="sp-q" />
             <input type="submit" value="Search" />
             <input type="hidden" name="sp-a" value="sp10017342" />
               &nbsp; &nbsp;
    <!--  end search table -->

try removing the div and putting the align in the td

try adding valign=bottom to the td

try removing the &nbsp; which introduces a line-height of text (you're
using a spacer image on the page anyway, so using it here too won't hurt)

if all that doesn't work, add some more cellpadding (maybe nest another
table) and then the mis-alignment -- that is what you were worrying about,
right? -- won't be as noticeable

oh, and if you move your form tags outside the table, it won't give a
validation error


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