by "David Clapper" <dclapper(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 2 Aug 2000 06:23:42 -0700
 To:  darren(at) hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hi Darren,

The Perl interpreter is the software used to execute your Perl
files. It's invoked to interpret and run the files whenever they're

Your webserver has a Perl interpeter installed on it - o/wise
your Perl files wouldn't run.  Assuming you're running on a Unix
box, the path to the Perl interpreter follows the shebang (#!)
on the first line of the file - and that's how it knows how to
find the interpreter.

(An analogy might be the engine in your automobile - when you
step on the accelerator, it makes the auto go faster.  However,
the engine's hiding under the hood, so its action is transparent
to you.)

HTH ... .

>--- Original Message ---
>From: Darren Wooding <darren(at)>
>To: "'hwg-techniques(at)'" <hwg-techniques(at)>
>Date: 8/2/00 10:19:02 AM

>Okay, this may be the most stupid, obvious question in the world,
but: why
>do I need a PERL interpreter?  When I modify the PERL CGI files
in the
>CGI-BIN on the web server, the modified files work just fine.
 I have not
>compiled them, or interpreted them anywhere.
>Am I missing something here?

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