RE: Metatags

by "Ezra S F" <ezrasf(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 20 Feb 2002 14:39:51 -0500
 To:  "'HWG'" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  mediaone
  todo: View Thread, Original
Every search engine is slightly different. Though as I understand things
you get bonus points for having keywords in the title, meta tags, and
the first 25-75 words of your page. To not have one of those bases
covered hurts your rankings.

It may not show up now because you do not have any competition. Though
later someone could use the same keywords you are using and include them
in the meta tags which would bump you to a lower spot.

E --  --

-----Original Message-----
From: cbirds(at)

I am wondering what good the content and description metatags are for 
search engines. It doesn't seem that many of them actually use that 
information when the page comes up in a search. Seems to me that more
the first 25 words that appear on the page, which are sometimes links.
If so, what's the point in using Metatags........ideas?

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