Re: Start with HTML or XHTML? (slightly OT)

by "Kehvan M. Zydhek" <kehvan(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 13 Mar 2002 06:14:46 -0800
 To:  "LSN Bluff" <lsnbluff(at)>,
 References:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original

In *MY* opinion, since HTML4 and XHTML are quite similar, but XHTML is =
the current standard, I would recommend they learn XHTML from the =

Why? If someone learns to code to HTML4 specs, they might learn a "bad" =
thing or two that isn't technically allowed in XHTML, particularly the =
target attribute in anchors. HTML allows frames, XHTML (Strict) does =
not, and thus the target attribute, even if used to pop open a new =
browser, is not allowed. HTML4 still allows FONT tags (though it whiines =
because they're deprecated), XHTML does not. XHTML can allow a beginner =
to learn a vast amount of coding at TODAY'S standards, not the standard =
for 1998, which will, I feel, help them to produce clean, functional =
code a lot sooner than learning the old stuff, getting used to it, and =
then unlearning some of their techniques in favor of what's "right." =
Learning XHTML Strict, though PARTIALLY limiting because it doesn't =
allow the fudges we all came to know and love in the past, is by far the =
better choice for future programming.

The argument against my above recommendation is for older noncompliant =
browsers like NS4.x. Well, NS4 is still around, in part, because people =
STILL code for it. Stop coding for it, and it will eventually go away, =
replaced by better, modern browsers. NS4 had it's day (six years ago or =
something hideously long like that), but that day is over. Many people =
are constantly complaining that their site doesn't look good in NS4, and =
that they need hacks and detectors to convert their site to a lesser =
version. If more sites were built EXCLUSIVELY for modern browsers, NS4 =
would FINALLY DIE. Yes, there are some who must use that browser for one =
reason or another, but I think those users are learning that the world =
has moved on, and if they wish to continue viewing the internet, they, =
too, must advance. It's almost Darwinian in nature. NS4 had it's =
moments, but I see absolutely no reason for it to continue to exist. =
It's a dinosaur, and those of us who continue to support it, while doing =
the "right" thing ethically by allowing for the widest audience are =
doing a disservice to all webdesigners (and indirectly, all users of the =
internet) by supporting a dinosaur. Let it go. Let HTML4 and earlier go. =
Move up to XHTML, which was made a standard TWO YEARS AGO and support =
the future.

Ooops... got on a soapbox there, didn't I? Sorry! I guess I feel pretty =
strongly about this. I just wish more designers had the ability to say =
"no" to their clients when asked to build NS4 compatible sites. I =
understand why they don't, of course, but I just WISH they could.

Kehvan M. Zydhek


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----- Original Message -----=20
From: "LSN Bluff" <lsnbluff(at)>
To: <hwg-techniques(at)>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 04:35
Subject: Start with HTML or XHTML? (slightly OT)

> As a web development instructor at a community college, I plan the =
> for our students.
> I'm asking experienced developers for your opinions on what you would=20
> recommend a beginning web developer learn FIRST these days. (We all =
> that you never stop learning in this field...) Would you recommend =
that a=20
> beginner start with HTML and later transition to XHTML? OR would you=20
> recommend that the beginner start coding pages using XHTML syntax =
right from=20
> the start?
> Thanks in advance for your opinions!
> Terry Felke
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