Re: Netscape 4 CSS Problem

by Nathan Lyle <nathan(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 10 Jul 2002 12:58:42 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  chw
  todo: View Thread, Original
> In one of our sites, in Netscape 4 using CSS, when there is a <.a name>
> tag, the text becomes underlined, just like an href link except for the
> color, and  it's not clickable.  Is this normal NN4 behavior with CSS, or
> is there a conflict in my CSS code that's causing this?

No conflict... the style is affecting the <.a><./a> tag, whether you
use an "href" or "name" or whatever other attribute. It's still an "a"
HTML entity.

Whenever I use stylesheets to create "rollover" links like what you're
going for, I create a class name rather than just relying on the "a"
tag. That way I'm not hemmed in. Something like:

.hoverLink:link       {  color: #0000ff;
                         line-height: 120%;
                         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
                         font-size: 12px; }

.hoverLink:visited    {  color: #A000C0;
                         line-height: 120%;
                         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
                         font-size: 12px; }

.hoverLink:hover      {  color: #000000;
                         text-decoration:underline overline;
                         line-height: 120%;
                         background-color: #ffff00;
                         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
                         font-size: 12px; }   

.hoverLink:active     {  color: #000000;
                         line-height: 120%;
                         background-color: #ffff00;
                         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
                         font-size: 12px; }   

Or whatever.... :)

~ The U.P. Web Maestro (Nathan Lyle)

  E-Mail: nathan(at)
   Phone: (906)485-4806

"Consistently separating words by spaces became a general custom about the tenth century A.D., and lasted until about 1957, when FORTRAN abandoned the practice." - Sun FORTRAN Reference Manual.

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